David Frederick MILLS obituary (theglobeandmail)

David Frederick MILLS (1969 - 2021)

DAVID FREDERICK MILLS Died unexpectedly from a heart attack on March 24, 2021, in Toronto. Born August 20, 1969, Dave was a beloved husband, father, son, brother, uncle and friend to many. He grew up with his mom and two brothers in North Toronto. He was a graduate of Queen's University and the Canadian Film Centre's Media Lab. He worked in advertising and digital media and was a co-founder of the Fall Classick. He had a voracious appetite for learning. He was fascinated by astronomy, cartography and Ancient Rome. He cared deeply about politics and the arts, especially music. For Dave, music was a balm, a connector and a refuge, and he shared this passion with his daughter Clare. He loved sports, especially skiing and cycling and ultimate frisbee. He worked hard to keep up with his son Charlie on the basketball court. He was happiest in a boat with a map, a fishing rod and his family navigating the shoals of Georgian Bay. He had a beautiful smile and he shared it readily. He was a compassionate and insightful listener. Most of all, he loved his family deeply. He was devoted to Jo, Clare and Charlie, the loves of his life. They will remember him for his kindness, his compassion, his goodness, his quirky sense of humour, his playfulness, his curiosity, his wisdom and his ongoing commitment to his recovery. He will be forever missed by his wife and best friend, Jo, his beloved children, Clare and Charlie, his mother Dawn Kellock (Burt), his father Peter (Nicole), his brothers Duncan (Kim) and Sandy (Caroline), his step-brother Max (Sylvie), his parents-in-law Pat and John Saul, his brother-in-law Nick (Andi), his nephews and niece, his buddy Leo, and his treasured collection of friends. A celebration of Dave's life will be held this summer. Please share your memories and stories at www.kudoboard.com/boards/XLs0ZVrc/davemills. Donations in his honour may be made to CAMH (www.camh.ca).

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