William Peter BUTLER obituary (theglobeandmail)

William Peter BUTLER (1933 - 2020)

WILLIAM PETER BUTLER May 13, 1933 - December 6, 2020 W. Peter Butler, beloved partner of Carol O'Connor, father of Christopher, grandfather to Grace, Abbey, Ben, brother to David, uncle to Susan and Sarah Butler, godfather to Rob Merwin, passed away peacefully in the arms of Carol at the North York General Hospital on Sunday. Peter was born in North Bay in 1933, son of Dr. William S. Butler and Elizabeth (Beth) Butler. Peter married Susan Brock and had a son Christopher in 1971. Susan passed a short time later and Peter found comfort among his friends and family. Peter and Carol O'Connor were devoted partners for over 45 years. Peter was blessed with three loving grandchildren (Grace, Abbey and Ben) and the joy and laughter that he shared with them are memories that will forever be most cherished. Peter had a kind, nurturing and gentle manner as a grandfather, one that allowed him to build a bond and connection with a mere twinkle of his smile. He always had a special place in his heart for his two nieces, Susan and Sarah, and his smile lit up every time he was in their presence Peter obtained his undergrad degree from the University of Toronto in 1956 and earned his law degree from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1960. He loved the law profession and had a career that spanned 50 years. His career began at McMaster Montgomery in 1960, then from 1983 - 1986 he worked at Kingsmill Jennings. In 1986, Peter met Alan Redway and the two formed the Redway & Butler Law firm where he worked until he retired in 2010. While Peter may have retired, his love of law did not end as he religiously read the cases in the legal journals. Peter and his brother David had a special bond, a love of Northern Ontario, fishing, boating, skiing, the outdoors and playing cards, especially Blackjack. Family celebrations were cherished times, whether in North Bay, Belleville, Peter's home or condominium in North York. Peter loved animals, especially dogs. He had many dogs in his life, but held a special love for Miniature Schnauzers. Peter's 87 years were filled with so many wonderful friends, colleagues and the extended families of O'Connors', Brocks' and Merwins'. "You can shed tears because they are gone or you can smile because they lived. You can remember only they are gone, or you can cherish their memory and let it live on. You can cry and close your mind and feel empty, or you can do what they would want. Smile, open your heart, love and go on." The family thanks you all so much for your love and support and asks that in lieu of flowers, donations can be made to either Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Canada, The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation or the University of Guelph Pet Trust (OVC Pet Trust). Condolences may be forwarded through www.humphreymiles.com. Humphrey Funeral Home A.W. Miles - Newbigging Chapel 416-487-4523

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