Jack GOLDMAN obituary (theglobeandmail)

Jack GOLDMAN (1921 - 2020)

JACK GOLDMAN October 16, 1921 Jack (Jacob) Goldman passed away peacefully on Friday. December 11, 2020, at the remarkable age of 99 years. He was long-ago predeceased by his father Samuel Goldman, and his five siblings. Jack was lovingly cared for by his devoted nephew and niece, Dr. Bernard Goldman and Ellie Tesher, and warmly remembered by the children of his siblings. Our Uncle Jack joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1939 and served on the northern border of British Columbia. A confirmed bachelor, he spent his entire work life as an electrician with the Ford Motor Company based in Oakville, Ontario. Jack was an avid newspaper reader and some of his happiest days included playing handball at Toronto's Jewish Community Centre at Bloor St. Though he chose a solitary life in his middle years, these past 15 years of his life provided the warmth of family and a genuine connection with all who were involved with him. We are grateful to his superb caregivers and to the excellent, caring staff of the Veterans' Wing of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, including nurse Carlene and Dr. David Shergold. Private shiva.

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