Clifford Langille Smith VICKERY obituary (theglobeandmail)

Clifford Langille Smith VICKERY

CLIFFORD LANGILLE SMITH VICKERYOur beloved son Clifford Langille Smith Vickery took his own life on February 23, 2021. He was a gentle, quiet young man - a math tutor who was proud of his Nova Scotia roots, who loved taking photographs, playing guitar and sharing good times over a big lobster dinner. He didn't leave a note. However, we know Cliff would want to be remembered as a guy who loved his sister Laura and her husband Sean, and parents Florence and Claude. He'd want to be remembered as a guy who fought the good fight against diabetes and mental illness for more than two years. He did his best. As a family, we fought side by side with him. We know that Cliff would want to thank the good, kind folks at CAMH, Mt. Sinai and Medcan who tried so hard to make it all right. He'd want to give one last hug to our family dogs - Sydney, Bailey and Benny. Cliff would ask that you remember him in happier times - the intense little league pitcher, dogged defenseman, clutch soccer goalie and first class snowboarder. He'd want you to remember that happy-go-lucky kid with the cool skateboard ramps and the street hockey nets in front of the house in Bennington Heights. Fond friends from the old days: Jay, Alex, Dusty, Max, Ryan, Charlie A, Erin, Aida and Ed to name a few. He'd like his Nova Scotia cousins, aunts and uncles to remember his love of the family cottage at Amherst Shore - playing cards with his Grammy - teasing her constantly and beating her at bridge - winning a gold medal in the Mini Olympics - bleaching his hair blonde and playing golf with his dad ( no matter how bad the weather ) Cliff attended Leaside High in Toronto, SOLA, then Carleton University in Ottawa graduating with an Honors BA Economics. He often spoke warmly of his good friends from University - Syd - Wilder - Ben - Luc and Gavin. We used to tease Cliff about the frigid winters in Ottawa but he loved the city. He delighted in taking quirky photographs of Ottawa and sharing them on social media. In warm weather Cliff's passion was recreational soccer and golf. During summer holidays Cliff and his dad played many memorable rounds of golf together at Northumberland Links and the Amherst Golf Club in Nova Scotia. Cliff had a keen competitive streak. Nothing pleased him more than being able to beat his dad. In recent years Cliff never lost his fascination with markets and economics. He was a student of the stock market from an early age and a skilled stock picker. He liked to analyze the markets and debate unconventional economic theories with his mom. Truth be told, he understood the Bitcoin phenomena years before the rest of us. The last two years were increasingly challenging for Cliff. Serious complications from diabetes and mental health issues slowly took hold of Clifford and finally overwhelmed him. We loved our sweet boy dearly and will miss him always. Gone at the age of 32. A memorial service will be held at a later date in Nova Scotia. Please consider a donation in his name to CAMH in Toronto. And please give your kid a hug today - or reach out to someone going through a tough time - Cliff would like that. Here is the link to CAMH.

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