STOAT, JOHN FREDERICK (JACK) August 6, 1940 - March 25, 2021 Much takes place between this dash Jack was fortunate to have a full gift of life for 80 years. He passed at home on March 25, 2021. If there ever was a Superman story of epic courage and determination, it was Jack's story Born in Toronto to John and Helen Stoat, Jack lost his dad at age 7 from a tragic accident. Life was not easy but he enjoyed an adventurous life, making lifelong friends in East York where he grew up. His Grandma, who helped to raise Jack and his younger sister Sandy, taught him skills and he learned to cook, bake, sew and quilt with her. Along the way he acquired the skills to build and fix whatever was broken. Old cars were a hobby and at the car club he belonged to, he had great friendships and memories. He became a master electrician and went on to start BBS Electric and later joined McDonalds of Canada as their Building Manager where he retired to spend more time building, particularly at the cottage he loved on Leech Lake. This truly was where his heart was and he tinkered, built and entertained friends and family for 40 years. He treasured those cottage times and together with his like minded neighbour and best friend, there wasnt anything they could not do together. The two families bonded and there were unforgettable times spent together there at the cottage and at home. Annual hunting trips with the best group of hunting buddies, and around the world trips with friends and Chris, his wife, sustained him with joy and laughter right up to his passing. He loved to entertain and be with those he loved, particularly his famiy as they were the most important people his life. It was his way. He loved and lived life to the fullest always ensuring a beer or glass of wine was in your hand to toast the great life we all had. More than anything though, he cherished his son John Courtney. John was the greatest achievement of his life and he was immensely proud of the man and father that John became and the granddaughters that John and wife Kelly gave to brighten his life and give him more to brag about. Samantha Emily and Taylor Alexandra, he loved you to the core. Jack was our Superman. He overcame multiple surgeries that weakened his body but never his spirit. He courageously fought COPD and Interstitial lung disease, brought on by COVID in early March 2020, with the help of Toronto General Hospital Lung clinic and the amazing team of VHA nurses and doctors from Mt. Sinai Palliative Care they, worked to make him comfortable. In turn he provided a willing spirit, laughter and the occasional waft of freshly made butter tarts to brighten their day. We will be forever grateful to Pessi, his nurse, and Dr. Amos. Left to mourn the passing of this amazing man are his wife Chris who he adored, his cherished son John (Kelly), Samantha, Taylor and family from near and far. Jack's brother-in-law David held a special place in his heart, together with sisters-in-law Eve and Karen Harries, nieces and nephews, and countless family and friends around the world. Jack's special group of friends who helped and supported him over the last 12 months in lockdown with daily phone calls of support and memories. Tom, Jim, Jerry, David, John, you made his days fun and as he has said to each of you "thank you for being my friend". A huge hole has been left with Jack's passing. I love you honey bun. Until we meet again, I'll keep the porch light on. As per Jack's wishes, no visitation or funeral, cremation has taken place. Unless restrictions do not allow, a Celebration of his Life is planned for Saturday, August 7, 2021 in our backyard where we can gather, drink in hand, to truly celebrate Jack's life. Donations to Ronald McDonald House Charities or the Lung Association would be appreciated.

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